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"marvellous, almost magical hairs called whiskers" (


Why whiskers revealed themselves in the name...

  • The muzzle is the closest thing to the human hand, in terms of nerve endings and dexterity. 

  • Whiskers (vibrissae) serve the purpose to detect vibrational energy, so slight that they can detect vibration and changes in air currents.  

  • They are important in their socializing and grooming.  The whiskers can enhance and sensualize the experience deeper by taking notice to the mood of the other as well as when muscles relax and contract.  

  • Most importantly used to detect and evaluate food to ensure no poisonous plants are ingested.  

  • It has been known that whiskers can help find water and act like a dowsing rod.  

  • They use them to sense themselves around in the dark and use them to feel and figure out objects.

  • Whiskers are not hairs, they are a rich nerve supply "sensory organ"

  • FYI: It is illegal and is banned to trim or clip a horses whiskers in Germany, Belgium and Switzerland.



What seems so unimportant on the outside; beneath the surface and how a horse uses them (autonomically, mentally, energetically, environmentally) can assure and add to the best quality of their life.  If the whiskers are the closest thing to our hand, it makes sense that healing can occur and issues better detected by a high sensory prey animal like the horse.  With facts to back up the energetic exchange, and their capability of having a 6 sense (a keen intuitive power),  Whiskers just might unlock more than we think.  Namaste TL :)

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