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Current Revelations

Written by Tara Lee

April 17th, 2020

You can be compassionate or offensive to oneself during this journey.  The destination will be the same.  Its up to you on how you get there that matters.  Allow yourself to become soft, let the resistance fall away, and become open to receive.  

As we strive unknowingly into the days of April, and a bit beyond, I sit to connect and allow to share some insights to how relationships with the horses can light a pathway.


Some of us may already know this profound connection to freedom, this connection of contentment and compliancy in relationship with animals, particularly horses.  Personally, my interactions with horses halt activities.  Activities especially relating to the mind drama which tends to cripple the current moment.  As I approach the golden years of my lifetime I learn more about spirituality.  I pay more attention to the connections and the signs that appear to me whether they are images of my mind or the reality of them crossing my path.  


“Every person must follow the pathway to empowerment before galloping upon the wings of destiny”


We all have a story.  A story that has help shaped who we are today.  There is no good or bad experiences.  But rather experiences that have taught us adversity and built upon the skills of being more adaptable.  It's a blessing to tap into our inner knowing to help us better understand or better yet redefine our current situation.  I find it so incredibly awesome that during my many transitions in life that horses have always shown up for me.  They have helped shift my emotions, thoughts and beliefs.  They have provided the clarity, the hope, and the connection I needed.  The horse has always met me where I was emotionally.   Naturally, and without knowing, a horse could transform my emotional state, to a state of compassionate connection for self, and for others, especially the horse.  But, the outcome could be different.  Different being as if I decided to resist the energetic shift and become stubborn in my ego ways.  The so called harmony of the relationship would be distant, emotionless,  and perhaps even negative.  The energy vibration would be low, to a point of not feeling good (for both the horse and human).  


The art of harmony coexists by learning to look pass the ego {energy blocker} and you will soon learn that the path is smooth, well lit, and has better connection and clarity.  The releasing of the resistance formed by the ego {mind chatter} can inspire new ideas; new ideas of new ways — new pathways to a higher vibrational {joyful} way of being.


Perception is everything.  There is at least 2 ways of looking at something or a situation at all times.  Like our relationship with the horse, we can embrace the harmony to change, soften, accept, and surrender OR we can resist, halt, and interfere with the change.  Yes, our ego’s idea of todays current affairs, and or future plans, is not what we intended.  If we can think of the situation with a horse assisting us to change energetically, I really believe that we can embrace and become enlightened in our reemergence to the real social world.


Yes, I have been extremely fortunate to be raised with and currently share my life with horses. But you must know that there has been times in my life where a horse has been absent.  In saying this, their absentees has never stopped the Horses coming to me whether in a way of a dream, or the admiration as passing them by in a field, or drawing their picture.  I guess what I am saying is, that whatever and however the horse appears to you…there is a message.  


Spritually the horse signifies our overcoming obstacles and how you should carry yourself in the face of adversity.  The spirit of the horse reminds us to look after emotional, mental and spiritual well being.  Furthermore, they advocate to speak about freedom by taking a leap and jumping out of your comfort zone.  Do you resonate with the horse?  Can you benefit from the horse?  I believe most of us can. 


Today we embrace the little things.  These are the back to basics days.  We sit on the charging block of life and soon we’ll be at 100% ready to reveal our rejuvenated self to the rejuvenated world.


All in good time we can meet and work with the Horse Guides.  But for now, bless you all and take good care.  



Tara Lee

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